Beneficios que los juegos de raqueta aportan a la salud May 13, 2023Gabriel Gaviña Los juegos de raqueta están entre los deportes más populares a nivel mundial. Cada año, los Grand Slams atraen a millones de personas dispuestas a disfrutar de los mejores partidos...
¿Cómo se hacen las pelotas de tenis? April 16, 2023Gabriel Gaviña ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo se hacen las pelotas de tenis? Estas esferas amarillas (y a veces de otros colores) están sujetas a regulaciones dictadas por la Federación Internacional...
Cómo elegir pelotas de Pádel November 15, 2022Gabriel Gaviña ¿Cómo elegir pelotas de pádel? Una pregunta que todos nos hemos hecho en algún punto, y que sobre todo los que están comenzando en este mundo se estarán preguntando. Simplificando...
Do pressurizers really work? November 06, 2022Gabriel Gaviña3 comments Every week people write to us asking us or questioning the effectiveness of tennis and paddle ball pressurizers, and we always answer the same: it depends on what type of...
Our tennis and paddle ball retriever is in the news October 23, 2022Gabriel Gaviña Gabriel Gaviña (Buenos Aires, 56 years old) is a garage entrepreneur. Literally. In the garage of his house in Boscos de Tarragona he has developed and fine-tuned the Ball Rescuer,...
Reciclando pelotas de pádel en casa October 11, 2022Gabriel Gaviña En la actualidad cualquier proyecto de reciclaje, incluso casero, marca una diferencia en la saturación de los vertederos. En este sentido, tomar las pelotas de tenis usadas para hacer manualidades,...
The roughness, the felt and the fuzz effect of the paddle balls September 17, 2022Gabriel Gaviña Ball designs for sports games encompass a series of basic principles that support players. In general terms, lManufacturers seek to improve aerodynamics depending on the type of sport. For example,...
Get to know the basic effects of paddle balls: Flat/Globe Effect September 14, 2022Gabriel Gaviña The padel is considered a friendly sport, mainly because it is flexible in terms of its technical and physical requirements for its players. Proof of this are the effects or...
Protocol for increased efficiency of the Ball Rescuer pressurizer September 13, 2022Gabriel Gaviña Today we want to show you the most effective way to use the Ball Rescuer boosters based on the number of matches you play per week. The technique is very...
Ball Rescuer, light and resistant padel and tennis ball pressurizer July 30, 2022Gabriel Gaviña2 comments Ball Rescuer is the lightest and most resistant padel ball pressurizer on the market Talking about a ball pressurizer takes us directly to that container that, through technology together with...
All about the pressure of tennis and paddle balls June 17, 2022Gabriel Gaviña4 comments There is a great deal of confusion as to what the internal pressure of tennis and paddle balls is. In many pages it is said that the pressure is around...